apt. Erindyah Retno W, Ph.D

Name: apt. Erindyah Retno Wikantyasning, PhD.
NIK / NIDN: 868 / 0613027401
Position: Dean of Pharmacy UMS faculty
Academic position: Associate Professor
Educational background: Undergradute at Universitas Gadjah Mada - Pharmacy
  Graduate program at Universitas Gadjah Mada - Pharmacy
  Postgraduate program at University of Nottingham, UK - Pharmacy technology
Subjects have been taught
: Physical Chemistry, Physical pharmacy, Drug delivery system, Nanotechnology

Title of articles and journals which have been published for the last three years :

    1. Wikantyasning, E.R., Mutmainnah, M., Cholisoh, Z. and Hairunisa, I., 2019. Preparation of Hydrogel Nanocomposite Containing Gold Nanoparticles with Unique Swelling/Deswelling Properties. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1857 – 1863.
    2. Wikantyasning, E.R., Nurhakimah, U.F., Sula, R.D. and Astuti, K.F., 2019. Optimasi Formulasi Esens Sheet Mask Kombinasi Ekstrak Spirulina platensis dan Nanopartikel Bentonit dengan Metode Simplex Lattice Design. Pharmacon: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia, 16(1), pp.18-27.
    3. Karuniawati H, Putra ON, Wikantyasning ER. 2019. Impact of pharmacist counseling and leaflet on the adherence of pulmonary tuberculosis patients in lungs hospital in Indonesia. Indian J Tuberc. 2019;66(3):364-369. 
    4. Hairunisa, I., Da, M., Wikantyasning, E.R., Normaidah, N., Bakar, M.F.A., 2019. Validated UV-vis spectrophotometric determination of andrographolide in herbal nano-preparation, Asian J. Chem. 2019;31(9):1985-1988.
    5. Da’i, M., Wikantyasning, E.R., Saifudin, A., Melia, A., Suhendi, A., 2019. Synthesis of nanoencapsulation of alpinia galangal extract using chitosan-alginate and cytotoxic activity on MCF-7 cell lines, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2019;11(1)
    6. Muhtadi, M., Suhendi, A. and Wikantyasning, E.R., 2017. Gel Nanoemulsion of Rambutan (Nephelium Lapaceum L.) Fruit Peel Extracts: Formulation, physical Properties, Sunscreen Protecting, and Antioxidant Activity. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 10(11), p.220.
    7. Wikantyasning, E.R., Da’i, M., Santosa, A.B. and Zhelsiana, D.A., 2017. Preparation and Antioxidant Activity of Cosmeceutical Creams Containing Spirulina platensis and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles. Advanced Science Letters, 23(12), pp.12502-12505.
    8. Wikantyasning, E.R., Andasari, S.D., Da’i, M. and Nabila, A., 2017, October. Nanoencapsulation of Zerumbone in Oleic Acid-Modified Chitosan Nanoparticles. In Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (pp. 105-109).